Friday, November 20, 2015

Happy in the Brain!!

Researchers have mapped out using MRI where happiness emerges in the brain. Making a way to measure happiness objectively. a combination of happy emotions and satisfaction comes together in the precuneus, a region in the medial parietal lobe that becomes active when experiencing consciousness. Understanding the mechanism behind how happiness emerges will have a beneficial effect for quantifying levels of happiness.
Sato and his team scanned the brains of research participants with MRI. The participants then took a survey that asked how happy they are generally, how intensely they feel emotions, and how satisfied they are with their lives.
The participants that scored higher on the survey had more mass in their grey matter in the precuneus. So people who are generally happier people have a larger precuneus.
"Several studies have shown that meditation increases grey matter mass in the precuneus. This new insight on where happiness happens in the brain will be useful for developing happiness programs based on scientific research," he said.
Maybe these happiness programs can help depression patients. The Art of Living Happiness program has a powerful breathing technique that uses specific, natural rhythms of the breath to release stress at the deepest level, and also balance and integrate mind, body and heart.
Maybe if I do some breathing exercises or meditations I could increase the size of my prenuceus and stress less about school and live a happier life!!! :)

This article can be found here


  1. Time to start meditating. Finals are coming up!

  2. This is great to actually know how happy someone is! Very interesting article!

  3. Interesting: I was just reading Dwight's blog post about episodic memory...turns out that episodic memory is also associated with activity in the precuneus, at least according to Wikipedia. The coincidence is especially interesting because I had never even heard of the precuneus before just now.
